
Mostra fotografica presso Palazzo Chigi in Ariccia

Giovedì 13 settembre, presso Palazzo Chigi in Ariccia, alle ore 18,00, si inaugura la mostra Nella Luce del Presente: Immagini dei Colli Albani / fotografie di Diane Farris, che rimarrà aperta fino al 21 ottobre.

La mostra, che ha il patrocinio del Comune di Ariccia, è in collaborazione con il Villino Volterra nell’ambito del programmna “Mini Grand Tour sui Colli Albani” ed è sostenuta da Interlinea Group, responsabile in Italia dei programmi del campus universitario della Auburn University (Alabama), avente la sua sede italiana riconosciuta dal Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione in Palazzo Chigi.

La mostra inaugura gli spazi espositivi dell’altana di Palazzo Chigi, dopo i restauri realizzati negli anni precedenti con il consolidamento del solaio e l’installazione di un ascensore, la recente sistemazione dell’illuminazione al Led e la predisposizione di appositi pannelli espositivi. L’altana, da cui si gode uno straordinario panorama che spazia sulla campagna romana fino al mare e sul paesaggio dei colli albani, ospiterà eventi espositivi dedicati anche all’arte contemporanea.

L’iniziativa è legata alla rivitalizzazione contemporanea del fenomeno del Grand Tour, che aveva nei Colli Albani una tappa fondamentale e nella Locanda Martorelli di Ariccia uno dei suoi centri propulsori. Anche il programma del campus della Auburn University in Ariccia è legato ad una rivisitazione in chiave contemporanea di questa straordinaria esperienza e stagione culturale italiana, che ebbe il suo apice tra XVIII e XIX secolo.

Diane Farris è un’artista/fotografa americana che vive a Gainesville in Florida (USA). Il suo lavoro è stato ampiamente raccolto e pubblicizzato, con commissioni pubbliche e private. Ha lavorato sui temi della casa, della natura, in particolare dell’acqua e della sostenibilità ambientale.
Questi temi si uniscono in immagini della prateria della Florida e delle sue gru Sandhill. Il settore di lavoro chiamato “Volumi” esplora un interesse di lunga data per libri, biblioteche e manufatti librari. Ricorre nel suo lavoro più recente una serie crescente di immagini sull’Italia, che sembra essere la sua seconda casa (

La sua bibliografia è vasta, con importanti mostre monografiche e collettive tenute presso vari musei americani: dal Museum of Natural History a Gainesville (2006), al Carnegie Center in Michigan (2008), al Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum di Chicago (2008-9), allo Stuhr Museum in Nebraska (2009), alla R. Roberts Gallery a Jacksonville (2010), fino a The University of North Florida, Jacksonville (2013) o The Gallery Project in Ann Arbor, Michigan (2106).Invito mostra Farris

Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy – Fall Term 2018

On August 28th we welcomed in Ariccia our new group of 18 students from Auburn University for their Fall semester in Italy. The students will spend 12 weeks in Ariccia, in the prestigious Palazzo Chigi, and their schedule features seminars, classes and special activities such as a fresco workshop with renowned art restorer and Michelangelo expert Antonio Forcellino. During their stay, our students will explore Rome, the Castelli Romani, Tuscany, Venice, Umbria, Naples and Pompeii. We also involve local families who kindly host our students for a dinner, a special and unique way to be completely immersed in the Italian traditions and culture. For more info:

Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy Spring Term 2018

On January 30th we welcomed in Ariccia our new group of 21 students from Auburn University for their Spring semester in Italy. The students will spend 12 weeks in Ariccia, in the prestigious Palazzo  Chigi, and their schedule features seminars, classes and special activities such as a fresco workshop with renowned art restorer and Michelangelo expert Antonio Forcellino. During their stay, our students will explore Rome, the Castelli Romani, Tuscany, Venice, Umbria, Naples and Pompeii. We also involve local families who kindly host our students for a dinner, a special and unique way to be completely immersed in the Italian traditions and culture.  For more info:

Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy Summer Term 2017

On May 8th we welcomed in Ariccia a new group of 21 students from Auburn University for the Summer 2017 semester in Italy.
Our campus is based in Ariccia (Rome) in the Chigi Palace designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini and during this semester we planned several seminars, cooking classes, special lecturers and field trips for our students.
During the “practicum placements week” we scheduled activities focused on our students’ interests and career goals and we planned for them special meetings and interviews with important professional figures and experts working in several fields such as fashion, health, communication etc.
Our study program follows a chronological historical order from Ancient Times to contemporary history including visits to Rome, Tuscany, Venice, Umbria, Pompeii and an optional field trip to the Amalfi Coast. For more info

In_NovaMusEUm Museums come back to the local community through Art&Food

Il giorno 23 novembre alle ore 17:00 presso Palazzo Chigi in Ariccia sarà presentato
il progetto In_NovaMusEUm – Museums come back to the local community through Art&Food
vincitore di un co-finanziamento nell’ambito del programma comunitario Europa Creativa
2014-2020 – Sottoprogramma Cultura – Progetti di cooperazione di piccola scala. Un risultato
importante se si considera che su 363 progetti presentati in tutta la Comunità Europea ne sono
stati selezionati solo 51, dei quali appena 8 in Italia. Il progetto ha inoltre ricevuto l’interesse
dall’Assessorato alla Cultura e Politiche Giovanili della Regione Lazio grazie al
coinvolgimento di musei appartenenti alla Organizzazione Museale Regionale (OMR) del
In_NovaMusEUm è stato elaborato da un consorzio composto da Italia, rappresentata
dal Centro Europeo Turismo e Cultura che ne è il capofila, Albania, Grecia, Portogallo e Svezia.
Il progetto, che include Palazzo Chigi in Ariccia come museo associato, intende creare una rete
di musei europei situati in aree periferiche e che vantano collezioni artistiche di pregio. I musei
lavoreranno congiuntamente per avvicinare nuovi pubblici utilizzando le più innovative
metodologie di fruizione dell’arte e i moderni strumenti digitali. I musei inoltre coinvolgeranno
la comunità locale e giovani artisti in iniziative creative volte a valorizzare il patrimonio
culturale del territorio attraverso la relazione Arte&Cibo.
Alla presentazione di In_NovaMusEUm sono stati invitati il Creative Europe Desk Italia
del MiBACT, che è il punto di contatto italiano per il Sottoprogramma Cultura di Europa
Creativa, e il referente del progetto presso l’Agenzia EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and
Culture Executive Agency) della Commissione Europea che promuove il programma.

L’evento è aperto al pubblico.locandina

Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy – Spring Term 2016

Spring Term 2016

From February to April 2016 the new group of students from Auburn University stayed in Ariccia for the Spring 2016 semester in Italy.

Our 22 students stayed in our campus based in Ariccia (RM) at Palazzo Chigi and for their semester abroad we planned several seminars, classes and field trips.

During the “practicum placements week” we scheduled activities focused on our students’ interests and career goals and we planned for them special meetings, interviews and practicum experiences with important professional figures and experts according to their majors.

Our study program follows a chronological historical order from Ancient Times to contemporary history including visits to Rome, Tuscany, Venice, Umbria, Pompei and optional field trips to the Amalfi Coast and Cinque Terre. DSC_0241

Auburn University Symphonic Winds Ensemble in Italy

Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy

Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy

Fall Term 2014

On September 2nd we welcomed our new group of students from Auburn University for the Fall 2014 semester in Italy.

Our 19 students stayed in Ariccia until November 22nd and during their semester abroad we planned for them several seminars, classes and field trips.

The central week of every semester is focused on our students interests and career goals and we planned for them special meetings, interviews and practicum experiences with important professional figures and experts according to their majors.

Our 12-weeks study program follows a chronological historical order from Ancient Times to contemporary history including visits to Rome, Tuscany, Venice, Umbria.

 External Link


Biennale – vice versa

Italian Pavilion at the 55th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia

Fundraising and events

Interlinea was in charge of organizing the opening events of the Italian Pavilion, both the press conference in the morning and the opening event in the evening . In addition Interlinea found and had contact with the sponsors of the pavilion.

Crowdfunding project

In support of the exhibition Vice Versa in the Italian Pavilion at the 55th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, we proposed a crowdfunding project.

Vice Versa became an opportunity to test new pathways for supporting, financing and participating in a cultural event.

The initiative aimed at supporting the production of artworks for the event, cultural mediation, promotion and communication and a final conference on the themes of the Italian Pavilion.

Interlinea and the curator organized different events in Rome, Milan, New York, London to support the project.

The spirit of participation and support for the exhibition project have been recognized through a series of benefits corresponding to target support levels: each supporter’s name appeared at the vice versa exhibition entrance, in the catalogue and on the web site; for the occasion, a set of fourteen signed and numbered limited-edition prints by the artists in the vice versa exhibition has been realized. Other benefits have included copies of the catalogue signed by the curator and the artists, guided visits, personal welcomes, invitations to the inauguration of vice versa at the Italian Pavilion at the 55th International Art Exhibition – la Biennale di Venezia, encounters with the curator and artists, and much more.

Tuscan Vistas Tour

Tuscan Vistas Tour

October 14-23, 2012

For the celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy program, the College of Human Sciences and Interlinea Group organized a special tour in Italy.

The “Tuscan Vistas” tour began in Ariccia, home of the Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy Campus, featuring a special ceremony for the 10th year celebration of the Italy program in the beautiful Chigi Palace Salon.

The tour continued in the region of Tuscany where our participants visited the medieval town of Capalbio and the Argentario coast, including a special visit to “Giardino dei Tarocchi”, an incredible park of sculptures designed by the American artist Niki de Saint Phalle.

The tour also included a visit to Montalcino, with a special wine tasting of the Brunello wine, San Gimignano, the city of towers, and the last days were spent in Florence visiting the highlights of the early Renaissance.

Interlinea Group took care of all the logistics, transportation, meals, lodging, supported by a dedicated team.
