Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy – Spring Term 2020

On January 21st, 2020 we welcomed in Ariccia our new group of 22 students from Auburn University for their Spring semester in Italy. Students will stay in Ariccia, in the prestigious Palazzo Chigi, and their schedule will include seminars, classes and special activities such as a fresco workshop with renowned art restorer and Michelangelo expert Antonio Forcellino. During their stay, our students will explore Rome, the Castelli Romani, Tuscany, Venice, Umbria, Naples and Pompeii. We also involve local families who kindly host our students for a dinner, a special and unique way to be completely immersed in the Italian traditions and culture. For more info:

Edit: The group unfortunately had to leave at the end of week 6 due to covid19 spread, but we successfully completed our semester remotely. We hope to see you again soon!


Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy – Fall Term 2019

On August 27th we welcomed in Ariccia our new group of 19 students from Auburn University for their Fall semester in Italy. The students will spend 12 weeks in Ariccia, in the prestigious Palazzo Chigi, and their schedule features seminars, classes and special activities such as a fresco workshop with renowned art restorer and Michelangelo expert Antonio Forcellino. During their stay, our students will explore Rome, the Castelli Romani, Tuscany, Venice, Umbria, Naples and Pompeii. We also involve local families who kindly host our students for a dinner, a special and unique way to be completely immersed in the Italian traditions and culture. For more info:

Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy – Summer 2019

We have completed the Summer term with our group of 22 students from Auburn University. During these 12 weeks in Italy, our students experienced a full immersion into the Italian culture through seminars, cooking classes, special lectures, and field trips. As usual we also scheduled activities focused on our students’ interests and career goals and we planned for them special meetings, interviews and practicum experiences with important professional figures and experts according to their majors. Our study program follows a chronological historical order from Ancient Times to contemporary history including visits to Rome, Tuscany, Venice, Umbria, Pompeii and an optional field trip to the Amalfi Coast. For more info

The Grand Tour in the Colli Albani from the beginning to the early twentieth century


Interlinea is happy to share the e-book “The Grand Tour in the Colli Albani from the beginning to the early twentieth century” edited by Maria Vittoria Giuliani.

Preface by Simona Carosi

Introduction by Virginia Volterra


  • Marisa Dalai Emiliani
  • Francesco Petrucci
  • Maria Vittoria Giuliani
  • Diane Farris
  • Roberta Londi
  • Sara Scarselletta


Download the Book in english (ePub format) – 13.4 MB

Download the Book in italian (ePub format) – 18.5 MB

Download the Book in english (PDF format) – 9.0 MB

Download the Book in italian (PDF format) – 8.1 MB

Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy – Spring Term 2019

On January 29th 2019 we welcomed in Ariccia our new group of 22 students from Auburn University for their Spring semester in Italy. The students spent 12 weeks in Ariccia in the prestigious Palazzo Chigi, and their schedule included seminars, classes and special activities such as a fresco workshop with renowned art restorer and Michelangelo expert Antonio Forcellino. During their stay, our students explored Rome, the Castelli Romani, Tuscany, Venice, Umbria, Naples and Pompeii. We also involved local families who kindly hosted our students for a dinner, a special and unique way to be completely immersed in the Italian traditions and culture. For more info:

Mostra fotografica presso Palazzo Chigi in Ariccia

Giovedì 13 settembre, presso Palazzo Chigi in Ariccia, alle ore 18,00, si inaugura la mostra Nella Luce del Presente: Immagini dei Colli Albani / fotografie di Diane Farris, che rimarrà aperta fino al 21 ottobre.

La mostra, che ha il patrocinio del Comune di Ariccia, è in collaborazione con il Villino Volterra nell’ambito del programmna “Mini Grand Tour sui Colli Albani” ed è sostenuta da Interlinea Group, responsabile in Italia dei programmi del campus universitario della Auburn University (Alabama), avente la sua sede italiana riconosciuta dal Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione in Palazzo Chigi.

La mostra inaugura gli spazi espositivi dell’altana di Palazzo Chigi, dopo i restauri realizzati negli anni precedenti con il consolidamento del solaio e l’installazione di un ascensore, la recente sistemazione dell’illuminazione al Led e la predisposizione di appositi pannelli espositivi. L’altana, da cui si gode uno straordinario panorama che spazia sulla campagna romana fino al mare e sul paesaggio dei colli albani, ospiterà eventi espositivi dedicati anche all’arte contemporanea.

L’iniziativa è legata alla rivitalizzazione contemporanea del fenomeno del Grand Tour, che aveva nei Colli Albani una tappa fondamentale e nella Locanda Martorelli di Ariccia uno dei suoi centri propulsori. Anche il programma del campus della Auburn University in Ariccia è legato ad una rivisitazione in chiave contemporanea di questa straordinaria esperienza e stagione culturale italiana, che ebbe il suo apice tra XVIII e XIX secolo.

Diane Farris è un’artista/fotografa americana che vive a Gainesville in Florida (USA). Il suo lavoro è stato ampiamente raccolto e pubblicizzato, con commissioni pubbliche e private. Ha lavorato sui temi della casa, della natura, in particolare dell’acqua e della sostenibilità ambientale.
Questi temi si uniscono in immagini della prateria della Florida e delle sue gru Sandhill. Il settore di lavoro chiamato “Volumi” esplora un interesse di lunga data per libri, biblioteche e manufatti librari. Ricorre nel suo lavoro più recente una serie crescente di immagini sull’Italia, che sembra essere la sua seconda casa (

La sua bibliografia è vasta, con importanti mostre monografiche e collettive tenute presso vari musei americani: dal Museum of Natural History a Gainesville (2006), al Carnegie Center in Michigan (2008), al Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum di Chicago (2008-9), allo Stuhr Museum in Nebraska (2009), alla R. Roberts Gallery a Jacksonville (2010), fino a The University of North Florida, Jacksonville (2013) o The Gallery Project in Ann Arbor, Michigan (2106).Invito mostra Farris

Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy – Fall Term 2018

On August 28th we welcomed in Ariccia our new group of 18 students from Auburn University for their Fall semester in Italy. The students will spend 12 weeks in Ariccia, in the prestigious Palazzo Chigi, and their schedule features seminars, classes and special activities such as a fresco workshop with renowned art restorer and Michelangelo expert Antonio Forcellino. During their stay, our students will explore Rome, the Castelli Romani, Tuscany, Venice, Umbria, Naples and Pompeii. We also involve local families who kindly host our students for a dinner, a special and unique way to be completely immersed in the Italian traditions and culture. For more info:

Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy – Summer Term 2018

We have completed the Summer term with our group of 20 students from Auburn University. During these 12 weeks in Italy, our students experienced a full immersion into the Italian culture through seminars, cooking classes, special lectures, and field trips. As usual we also scheduled activities focused on our students’ interests and career goals and we planned for them special meetings, interviews and practicum experiences with important professional figures and experts according to their majors. Our study program follows a chronological historical order from Ancient Times to contemporary history including visits to Rome, Tuscany, Venice, Umbria, Pompeii and an optional field trip to the Amalfi Coast. For more info

Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy Spring Term 2018

On January 30th we welcomed in Ariccia our new group of 21 students from Auburn University for their Spring semester in Italy. The students will spend 12 weeks in Ariccia, in the prestigious Palazzo  Chigi, and their schedule features seminars, classes and special activities such as a fresco workshop with renowned art restorer and Michelangelo expert Antonio Forcellino. During their stay, our students will explore Rome, the Castelli Romani, Tuscany, Venice, Umbria, Naples and Pompeii. We also involve local families who kindly host our students for a dinner, a special and unique way to be completely immersed in the Italian traditions and culture.  For more info:

Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy Fall Term 2017

The Fall semester of the “Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy” program based in the prestigious Chigi Palace in Ariccia is almost at the end and Saturday, November 18th our 19 students will return to the US after 12 weeks in Italy.
The group arrived in Ariccia on August 29th, 2017 and during this semester our students experienced a full immersion in our culture and traditions through a number of seminars, cooking classes, special lecturers and field trips we planned for them.
Interlinea also involved a number of professional figures from different fields such as fashion, medicine, interior design, journalism etc. who met with our students to provide an overview of the Italian professional and educational system.
Our study program follows a chronological historical order from Ancient Times to contemporary history including visits to Rome, Tuscany, Venice, Umbria, Pompeii and an optional field trip to the Amalfi Coast.
For more info: